As we wrap up this month's study series on abounding in our Christian walk, I want to share my life verses with you. This is the abundant life that I want to live.
"As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord,..."
This is the most important decision you will ever make. It is the determining factor of your final destination and it will define the journey. Receiving Jesus as your Savior frees you of your sin debt and removes the condemnation you are under as a lost human being. This step of faith allows you to become a child of God with a place secured in heaven with your name on it. The other crucial decision you must make is to receive Jesus as Lord of your life. Surrender your plans to His. Give Him complete control. His way is perfect, and is the only path wherein you can fulfill your God-given purpose. I heard an evangelist something like this one time, and it has stuck with me: "I would hate to get to heaven and hear Jesus say, 'I had so much more for you.'"
" walk ye in him:..."
The Christian life is a walk, and it must be taken one step at a time. Each step ought to be in obedience to Christ. He will not hide His will from us if we seek Him. "Walking" here is also referring to the way in which we behave ourselves as Christians. We should strive to live in a way that is consistent with Jesus' character. Don't just "talk the talk," really "walk the walk."
"...Rooted and built up in him,..."
The deeper its roots, the more stable a tree is. Those roots are an anchor that helps to keep the tree from falling during storms and fierce winds. Jesus said that we would face trials, storms if you will, in our Christian walk. You must be rooted in Him in order to remain standing. The deeper the roots of your relationship with and faith in Jesus, the more stable you will be.
"...and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught,..."
Have you "established" yourself in your faith? Have you truly decided that this is where you are putting your belief and this is where you will stay? You must make up your mind. Following Christ is an all-or-nothing commitment. Jesus Himself said in Luke 14:33, "So likewise, whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple." Will you be all in, established in the faith?
"...abounding therein with thanksgiving."
As we live a life abundant in faith, we must have the right attitude. We must be thankful. God has not promised us an easy life. In fact, it has been demonstrated throughout history that those who live with abundant faith often suffer intense persecution and trials. Yet, even if we must face pain and loss, we can still be thankful because our joy doesn't come from our physical circumstances, our feelings, or even those around us. The Source of our joy is Jesus. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and He will never leave us. He will walk the journey with us. He is the reason we can abound.
Your sister in Christ,
Leave a comment below with your life verse or a verse that God has used in your life!
Mission, This is a well written, encouraging devotional. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
My life verses are Isaiah 26:3,4-- They remind me to keep my focus on God's Word which brings His Perfect Peace.