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Weekly Verse - April 23rd

It has been encouraging to see the temperatures climbing over the last few weeks. The last of our snow is finally melting off and buds are starting to appear on the trees outside. Spring is definitely here!

In this week’s verse we see a metaphor comparing the growth in springtime to the way God makes righteousness and praise “spring forth before all the nations”. Here are a few of my thoughts on this verse:

The seeds must be sown first.

The verse says “the garden causeth the things that are sown in it to spring forth” (emphasis added). In order to see things “spring forth” we must plant the seeds. If we want to see people saved, we must plant the seed of the gospel in their hearts. If we want to see growth in our spiritual lives, we must be planting seeds of God’s Word.

Sometimes we only see buds.

Sometimes we invest ourselves in something, only to see very little growth. Sometimes we only see little “buds”. But we must not be discouraged, because if we are pursuing God’s will and doing God’s work, those buds will eventually bloom. We may not even see the fruit of our labor ourselves, but we must trust God for the results to happen in His timing.

Spring always comes.

Even if the winter seems endless, we know spring will come. We can always count on it. The snow will melt, the grass will grow, and the flowers will bloom. Just as we have that assurance, we can know that “God will cause righteousness and praise to spring forth”

Springtime is a wonderful time of growth. This week, be encouraged by the fact that we may experience many seasons in our lives, but God does give us “springtimes”. God will cause righteousness and praise to spring forth.

God bless,


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